Pelješac-Brücke 2024

7. That Pelješac would never be the same again was predicted even before the grandiose bridge, thanks to which tourism on the entire peninsula increased. Before. they seriously rolled up their sleeves. It was renovated, worked on infrastructure and tourist offer, and the numbers grew - mostly in Orebić · That's right. We have thousands of arrivals this year, which is 6. English: location map of Pelješac Bridge red, avoiding Bosnia and Herzegovina territory for connection of Dubrovnik with the rest of Croatia. Deutsch: Lage der Pelješac-Br cke rot, welche eine Verbindung zwischen Dubrovnik und dem Rest von Kroatien erstellt ohne durch Bosnien und Herzegowina zu f hren.19. ber die Bucht von Mali Ston er. Croatia27. 3D visualization of the Pelješac Bridge incorporated into an aerial TV footage www.studiohrg.hr17. Deutsch: Pelješac-Br cke im, Blick von Smrdan Grad zur Halbinsel Pelješac Gespanschaft Dubrovnik-Neretva, Kroatien Date: 16 00: Source: Own work: Author: Ponor: Camera location: 42 57′ 00.72″ N, 17 34′ 03″ E. 27. The Pelješac or Sabbioncello Bridge in Croatian Pelješki most is an infrastructure that connects the Pelješac and Dubrovnik peninsula to the rest of Croatia.

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