afd landtagswahlprogramm 2024

6. A video of a large demonstration in Berlin, Germany, was taken during protests against the right-wing Alternative for Germany, AfD, party on Jan. 21, 2024. It does not show a “farmers rebellion. 23. In diesem Jahr stand die Arbeit am im Fokus. Zusammen mit dem b ndnisgr nen Spitzen-Team f r die Landtagswahlen bestehend aus Staatsministerin Katja Meier, Staatsminister Wolfram G nther und der Fraktionsvorsitzenden im Landtag Franziska Schubert sowie externen Expert innen aus, 6. Remy Rioux, Chief Executive Officer of Agence Fran aise de D veloppement, and Tony Estanguet, President of announced the signing of a cooperation agreement between both organisations to initiate and support projects that combine sport and sustainable development, in France and around the world.

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